Kefir diet - menu for 3-14 days for weight loss, pros and cons

Mono diets help a person lose weight in a relatively short time. The protein-kefir diet is especially popular. Kefir is a delicious fermented milk drink that is also available. Includes ascorbic acid, vitamin B, retinol, calcium, manganese, iodine, iron and many other beneficial trace elements. Is it possible to lose weight with kefir while maintaining health, or is it another myth about how to lose weight with low-fat kefir, all methods of losing weight on it are discussed in this article.

What is a diet with kefir and why lose weight with it

Kefir is a low-calorie milk drink in 100 ml. which contains only 41 kcal (with a fat content of 1, 5%). It stimulates the digestive system and is absorbed without storing excess calories. At the same time, it satisfies well, reducing the feeling of hunger. It's easy to put it on a regular schedule: you can take it with you to work in a bottle every day, if you have a refrigerator, there are no complicated variations in the preparation of the menu that accompanies food.

dietary kefir for weight loss

Kefir diet rules

Nutritionists have developed several tips for weight loss:

  • kefir is used 1-1, 5% fat;
  • per day, depending on the feeling of hunger, you should drink from 0, 5 to 2 liters;
  • food is taken in 5-6 meals;
  • drink up to 2 liters of drinking water. per day;
  • the menu should contain low-calorie foods (eg buckwheat);
  • without spices and a minimum of salt;
  • all monodiet lasts up to about a week and a half.

How long can you sit?

The most sparing diet, developed by the Nutrition Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, lasts 3 weeks. Adhering to it, you can lose 10 kg.

In addition to kefir, the diet can contain buckwheat, apples, cucumbers, beets and many others.

Note!There are also options for a kefir diet for 3, 7, 9 and 10 days.

What kefir to use

One percent skim kefir is used. The expiration date is important - you should choose the freshest possible. You should drink the drink at room temperature, as it is cold - it is poorly absorbed and loses its useful properties when heated.

For a long trip it is permissible to take a purchased product and store it in the same container, in a refrigerator bag. It should not be consumed sour: it can start an upset stomach.

How to cook diet kefir

When comparing store and homemade yogurt, preference, of course, is better to give the second option. It has a short shelf life as there are no preservatives.

For cooking you will need milk (cow or goat) - 1% and an initial culture of kefir, which is sold in supermarkets or pharmacies. If there are residues of non-drunk kefir, they can be added to milk heated to 40 ° C in a water bath. Then the liquid is poured into a jar, wrapped in a towel and left for a day in a warm place.

Note!Enough 100-150 ml. to prepare a new initial culture.

homemade kefir for weight loss

How can you replace kefir

If the stomach is sour or if you do not like the taste, kefir can be replaced with low-fat yogurt or yeast.

Advantages and disadvantages

The kefir diet for a period of more or less than 7 days has some peculiarities.

The pros include the fact that:

  • kefir supports gastric peristalsis;
  • cleanses from nitrates and toxins.

The proteins contained in it saturate the body. You can diversify your diet with other low-calorie foods.

The following factors are considered disadvantages:

  • not suitable for everyone;
  • hard mode;
  • in the beginning there is a constant hunger.

Kefir diet menu

Below are diets whose degree of complexity (physical and psychological) depends on the period. The most difficult is three days. The only thing that can be consumed with it is boiled water. The seven-day diet is now inherent in a broader diet that helps the body not break down before a certain time. The fewer days the regimen lasts, the harder it is to endure.

3 days

The shortest and heaviest diet. With the onset of gastrointestinal disorders, the diet should be discontinued.

Drink 1, 5 liters per day. kefir and up to 2 liters. water. You can add buckwheat if you wish, but then the effect of weight loss on kefir will be smaller. The expected result is minus 5 kg in 3 days.

5 days

A little more sparing and long-lasting diet. The norm of kefir is divided into 6 intakes, adding a total of 1 kg of vegetables, fruits or buckwheat to the day. Beef or chicken, dried fruits are welcome. They eat every 2 hours.


The weekly diet is the most popular, unlike the others. Every day you need to drink 0, 5 liters. kefir plus eat 400 g of product of your choice: potatoes (baked or boiled), fruit (except grapes and banana), chicken (boiled breast).

On the sixth day, according to the regime, fasting should be organized - only water is allowed. But doctors do not recommend such feats on a diet with kefir for a period of 7 days.

9 days

During the first 3 days - only kefir and water. Between 4 and 6 days you can add permitted foods (vegetables, fruits, some cooked meat). In the last 3 days there is a return to kefir and still water. This version is considered one of the strictest.

10 days

The diet can be based on both strengthening and losing weight on the menu of a person who is losing weight. In the first version, except for kefir and water, nothing is used. In the second, harder - you can add cooked vegetables, lean meat, fruits.

Note!You will lose less than 10 kg, but there are no negative side effects, although it all depends on the health and mood of the person.

photo of a woman before and after a diet with kefir

Two weeks

This is an extended diet that involves taking a different product every day.

  • Dried fruits - 10 pcs.
  • Baked potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Fruits - 5 pcs. (any).
  • Chicken (fillet) - 900 g.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - as much as you want.
  • Drinking water - 1 liter.
  • Fruits - 5 pcs.

Next week is similar. You should eat in equal portions throughout the day, the last meal is at 18 o'clock.

Note!Before starting the diet, it is recommended to drink a laxative collection of herbs or make an enema. If you do not break the regime, you can lose 14 kg.


The longest and most balanced feeding system. Its main postulates are:

  • drink 1 liter. kefir per day;
  • the use of 1-2 types of unsweetened liquid (natural juices);
  • exclusion of bakery and refined sugar products;
  • replacing everything fried and fatty with boiled and lean.

The monthly diet is more balanced. The results are clean skin, slim figure and excellent mood. The main thing is the strength of will, because a month is a long period.

You can make familiar dishes healthy, for example, add boiled chicken to okroshka instead of sausage and replace yeast with yogurt.

Spinach salad recipe is useful for weight loss, for which you need chopped spinach, dill, a pinch of salt and finely chopped eggs. As a dessert are suitable baked apples with cinnamon, but without sugar.

You can experiment many times, creating not only healthy but also delicious recipes for yourself and your family.

Kefir diet options

The monodiet with kefir successfully copes with stomach problems, removes excess fat, saturates with beneficial bacteria. And when added to the diet of fruits and vegetables, it enriches the food with vitamins.

With bananas

Many are skeptical of this fruit, believing that it is too high in calories. However, the banana mixture is very good for improving heart function.


Lasts 2 weeks. Cooked or stewed vegetables are acceptable, except for high-calorie potatoes. You should drink herbal tea and water.

With cottage cheese

For one day - 1 liter. kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese. You can add bran in 1 tbsp 3 times a day. Cottage cheese in combination with kefir helps reduce hunger.

With fruit

Five-day diet, where 1, 5 liters. kefir and 1 kg of fruit are divided into equal parts (except for grapes and banana).

With chicken breast

This is one of the most "fed" types of diet. One does not starve and gets all the vitamins and minerals that are not contained in plant foods. The result of such a diet is minus 5 kg.

chicken breast in kefir for weight loss

With bread

Controversial type of mono-diet. Many people mistakenly believe that bread is low in calories. In fact, they are not dietary and only slightly inferior in calories to bread.

With bran

They give good satiety, bloating and have a neutral taste. It is permissible to sit on them for no more than 3 days.

With eggs

Eat 2 hard-boiled eggs without salt in the morning and 1, 5 liters throughout the day. fresh kefir. Overweight disappears easily, there is no feeling of hunger. At least 0. 5 liters of water per day are needed.


You can observe it for up to 5 days, but few can withstand it, because the cucumber is not saturated at all. But after 5 days 7 kg will be lost. A nice bonus is the diuretic effect of the green helper, thanks to which all swelling will disappear.

With beets

Beetroot lowers cholesterol levels, helps with hematopoiesis. There is a contraindication - not used in diabetes, hypotension, liver disease.

1 kg of root vegetables is cooked and consumed during the day. You can make a delicious cocktail from it in a blender with kefir. 2 liters are needed for drinking. water per day.


This is one of the most popular weight loss options. It is allowed to sit on it for 3 to 7 days.

150 beams are stewed overnight. It should not be boiled, as many useful trace elements are lost. The basic rule is that cereals and fermented milk drinks should be consumed separately, at different times.

Note!It is not necessary to pour buckwheat with kefir - this is the mistake of most people.


The kefir diet is quite effective, despite the number of days. The choice of one of its types depends on the desired result.

If you need a quick result to publish, then a diet for 3 days is suitable. When the "marathon" is preferred to the "sprint", then it is better to choose a 1-month regimen.

How much can you throw away in a week on a diet with kefir

With the right approach and compliance with all conditions, you can throw an average of 5-6 kg.

Note!The period of the diet is short, which means that it will be easier to follow.

What can be achieved in a month

Kefir diet with a sparing menu for a month helps to get rid of 10 to 30 kg.

More information!If after a while the kefir diet for 7 or more days does not lead to results, then you should seek medical help and stop such a diet. This can lead to irreversible consequences if measures are not taken in time.

How to get out of the kefir diet

Many people complain that after each diet the weight returns quickly. Kefir is no exception. Therefore, the way out of it must be smooth. You need to gradually return to normal foods, completely abandoning fast food, canned foods and pastries. They take food - 6 times a day, salt the food a lot, add 1 product every day: then the effect of weight loss on kefir will remain.

forbidden foods for weight loss diet with kefir

What are the contraindications

During pregnancy, lactation, gastrointestinal diseases, lactose intolerance, rickets, cholecystitis, disorders of the endocrine system and adolescence you can not follow a diet! It can also cause fermentation and thrush. A completed physical examination will help clarify the situation.

Even in such a simple diet as kefir there are many options, both in terms of duration and composition of the diet. And the result depends on the choice. The main thing to remember is that health comes first and before you change your diet, consult a specialist.